Monday 12 June 2017

The Russian Bear Deal is done- Riky Rick

Earlier today Rapper and Kotini eater RikyRick spoke openly to a  fan about his  russian bear deal.

As we all know, Riky Rick   and Russian bear collaborated on releasing the new limit addition
Russian Bear  x Riky Rick
, now the Rapper said his deal with the  company  is done.. In a tweet he said

"we grew up partying with Russian Bear so it made sense... now the deal is over we finna start our own vodka brand. "- riky Rick

This was right after his fan
Made an open statement  saying
rikyrick made Russian Bear cool. People are no longer ashamed to drink it in public

Riky has achieved quiet alot siince  the release of '" amantombazane "
He is currently the brand ambassador for Vaseline Men !

Good Luck to riky rick into starting his own  Alcohol brand

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